We are here to support you and your loved one.

Whether you’re not ready for our services, or you would like additional resources, please take a look at some helpful outside services and support groups:


support groups

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones: PAL is an amazing source for parents. Look for meetings near you and get connected with others!

Al-Anon: addiction is a family disease. We always suggest Al-Anon 12-step support groups to our families and loved ones. You can’t change your loved one, but you can do the work to support yourself and get support for your own process.

The Addict’s Mom: a great resource for both moms and dads - connect with other parents going through the same thing on social media, attend events and find additional resources for help.


additional resources

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers

Disability Rights of Florida

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

211 Palm Beach Community Resources

Florida Department of Health

Alcoholics Anonymous

Palm Beach County Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR)