A Day In The Life

Table of Contents

“So, what do you have going on today?” 

Every resident at Resilience has a unique experience. They follow a schedule that best suits their individual needs. 

Every morning begins with a morning meditation group. Some days there are discussions centered around a spiritual principle; other mornings feature residents sharing their experience with recovery or leading a guided meditation. All of these allow our guys to get grounded and support one another as they begin their days.

After morning chores are completed, our residents go in several different directions depending on their personal journey in recovery. 

Some are transported to receive clinical support. We make sure that each resident is able to receive whatever support they need, be it PHP with family week or an individual appointment with a therapist. 

Some spend the day volunteering with charitable organizations – giving back gives them a sense of service that may have been lost in active addiction. Volunteering can also create a sense of confidence in our residents, as they realize they are capable of fulfilling responsibilities.  This is a crucial first step before entering the work force.

Many of our residents continue their education, taking online classes or commuting to college.  In the afternoons, they might work with a tutor who comes by three times a week.  Some clients have received their G.E.D.  Others work toward alternative certifications or trade school. 

Some residents work with their case manager to finalize a resume and head out to find employment. Resilience staff works to motivate and prepare residents for applications and interviews. The guys further along in our program head into work. Many are employed for the first time in their life. They are accomplishing something that was impossible in the face of addiction. 

Physical exercise is a crucial component of recovery. Throughout the day, there are opportunities for exercise. A resident might also take a walk or bike ride down the intercostal.  He could also swim in our pool or shoot some hoops in the backyard.

In the evening, residents ride together to a 12-step meeting or another kind of support group.  Each resident is encouraged to find a home group and fulfill a service commitment at the meeting. Here they can become integrated with the larger South Florida recovery community—one of the finest in the world. Once the guys are home, you’ll find them enjoying each other’s company, watching sports or a movie before getting to bed.

Each resident has their own experience at Resilience, but they come together to share in that experience with their fellows – and help to build this beautiful community. When everyone works toward recovery, each day is better than the last. 

-Aaron Green, Lead Recovery Advocate & Staff Writer

Clinically Reviewed By:

Picture of Gary Silverman, MA, LMHC, QS, MCAP

Gary Silverman, MA, LMHC, QS, MCAP

Gary brings over two decades of experience in behavioral healthcare, specializing in addiction and mental health treatment. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and former Clinical Director, he has worked across all levels of care, developing innovative programs like a Young Adult track to address the unique needs of 18–30-year-olds.

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